Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 4!

It is the end of day 4 of our trip! Jean-Claude and I have been having a great time shooting pictures and video for the past couple days! We spent a day in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park and a day going to different places along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Today was our longest day yet as we got to Blue Ridge for sunrise and ended somewhere down the parkway for sunset! We also had a very interesting night yesterday.

It ended up being a much longer night than we were planning. Through a few different circumstances I decided I was climbing to the top of a mountain near my grandparents house that overlooks the valley and town of Black Mountain. The plan was to shoot the view as the sun set and climb back down in the dark. We brought flashlights for the walk back. The trail to get there was non-existant because I'm the one who made it 3 or 4 years ago. Most of the trail markers I left back then were gone and I only found 4 of them on the way up. Anyway I finally made it to the top (leaving the flashlight with JC because we lost it for a few minutes) and shot the sunset. The journey started as I walked down. In the dark I found myself getting stuck every few feet in bushes and prickers everywhere. After 20 mins at least of struggling through JC found me and helped me out of a pit of prickers I fell into. Then we started walking the rest of the way down with the flashlights in hand. By the way, we both had a ton of heavy camera gear and our hands were more than full. We found ourselves completely lost in the dark in some area we never saw before stuck in some of the thickest brush I've ever been in. Eventually we downloaded a GPS app on our phones and found a road close by. Close by meaning .2 miles. Those .2 miles took forever to get through. We finally got out though! About 2 - 2 1/2 hours later than we were hoping :)

Sorry for the long story but it was an ordeal! I am still planning to keep to my promise and upload a teaser video right after I get home on Saturday/Sunday so be sure to look for it and check it out!!

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